I am a PhD candidate in sociology at New York University. My research deals with political and economic sociology, public policy, public opinion, and political behavior.

My dissertation—Scarcity Politics: Budget Deficits, Public Debt, and Distributive Conflict—explores the political economic and institutional dynamics that shape American public finance and fiscal policy, as well as what these politics mean for inequality, public attitudes and policy preferences, and inter-group conflict.

I am also the co-principal investigator with Professor Gianpaolo Baiocchi of the Politial Participation Project at NYU’s Urban Democracy Lab, a collaborative, multi-site interview and ethnographic study of civic enagagement, political participation, and community organizing in New York City.

My publications and working papers are available on my Academia.edu page. My CV can be downloaded here.

(Credit is due to Emily Zabor for the web page model.)